08 octobre 2005

Terrifiante ! Et un petit côté "Tracks", vous ne trouvez pas ? Posted by Picasa

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Online Exclusive
You are reading the 'human's first ever blog entry. It amazes me that people read the online edition of this second-rate newspaper, yet I know they do because generally, people are pathetic.
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YeuxRouges a dit…

Qu'est ce que c'est pénible le spam alors ! Ca vient se fourrer partout !!

Anonyme a dit…

Rumor: Weblogs.com Sold To Verisign
Latest rumor, as reported on Jason Kottke's site: Weblogs.com sold to Verisign? Note: this is different than weblogsinc.com, which WAS sold to AOL yesterday.
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YeuxRouges a dit…

C'est fou ça... Y a t il d'autres bloggeurs qui ont les memes soucis de spam ?

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